Our Trades

Our four trades are professions that have growing demand for highly skilled employees and new businesses.  From employee to business owner, each field has over a dozen career paths.

Training Future Professionals

From employee to business owner, each of our trades has over a dozen career paths. Learn more and review the complete NITA-approved curriculum for each trade.

Carpentry & Masonry

New homes, offices, and other facilities are being built in high volume. Also, the construction of new roads is a large industry in Kenya and there is a shortage of labor. Finally, carpenters and masons are needed to repair and do larger renovations on existing structures.


While East African hairstyling has a long and rich history, the internet has broadened access to beauty and style information. Hairdressing has become an increasingly in-demand profession and stylists must stay up-to-date on international trends.

Electrical Wiring

Our region is experiencing an explosion of new construction as well as electrical upgrading of existing facilities. Home and commercial electricians are in short supply.


The internet has not only changed access to fashion trends, it means anyone with talent and skill can become a designer and market their apparel, regardless of location. NTS students are learning to design and realize their own visions, as they become expert tailors.

Measurable Results

Every profession taught at NTS offers a direct pathway to employment and long-term advancement. These are stable fields that have growing demand nationwide.

Our students receive 720 hours of vocational instruction annually, both theoretical training and hands-on experience. NTS’ curriculum is based on the Kenyan National Industrial Training Authority’s curriculum (NITA), the gold standard. Each year, students must pass a two-day national exam in order to be promoted to the next grade.  At the end of their third year, they also sit for the NITA certification exam, Kenya’s professional licensure test. 

To-date, 100% of our students have passed their NITA exams, with nearly 50% passing with a score of 75% or above.  This far exceeds the national average.