NTS Blog

Expanding horizons for students across the globe

Reposted with permission from NASSP’s School of Thought blog: https://www.nassp.org/2021/10/20/a-pen-pal-program-expands-students-horizons/.   _____________________________________________________ I was a junior at Valley View High School in Moreno Valley, CA when COVID-19 hit. After classes moved online,

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A Tree Grows in Kenya

Life in rural Kenya has never been easy but Covid has magnified the difficulties. Like the rest of the world, businesses, schools and churches were closed or restricted for months. 

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COVID-19 Solution: Food

Most of our families are day laborers, only earning enough daily to feed their families.  This means a daily trip to the market to buy food. So, as families remain

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Solutions in the Time of Coronavirus

Kenya, like the rest of the world, is battling the invisible coronavirus with physical and social distancing.  School is cancelled indefinitely and we are frightened.  Rumor has it that there

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