NTS Blog

Gender Stereotypes in a Modern World

By Megha Rana Gender stereotypes are generalizations and/or assumptions made in regards to roles that women and men play, respectively, in a culture. While they differ from culture to culture

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Masculinity – What is a Man?

By Millie Khosla Kenyan culture has been highly masculine for generations. Hofstede Insights, an online publication which tracks national culture through factors such as power distance and individualism, rates Kenya

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Preventing Sexual Violence

By Millie Khosla In Kenya, sexual violence remains a traumatic norm for women, with men being the perpetrators in the majority of cases. Today, nearly half of married women have

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The Breakfast Club

By Jones Obiria What do you do when the government closes schools for a month with only a few days’ notice?  When students who attend your school, depend on you,

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