Our Students

A place to learn and grow

In Nyamboyo Village, 80% of teens and young adults live at or below the international poverty level.  Many are forced to drop out of school to help support their families.  Young women especially, are at risk of teen marriage and pregnancy, some forced into marriage as early as age 10.  Young men who become fathers as teens may be forced to take on menial jobs rather than pursue careers.  Whatever the reason, when youth end their education prematurely, they face a life of limited opportunity and poverty.

Currently, we have a student body of 110, ages of 14-21, with an equal gender balance.  Our goal is to expand to 125 students within a year.

NTS accepts motivated students regardless of race, color, religion (creed), tribe, gender, sexual orientation, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, and marital or parental status.

Education frees youth in Nyamboyo to build
successful careers and healthy lifestyles.

Meet some of our students

Clare, Achimba, Vincent and Velma are just a few of our gifted, driven students. Each one of them is working toward a better life for themselves and their families.


"I request those young girls who think this trade is difficult to come and learn to improve their lives and their futures."

At 18, Clare knows the power of an education. After two years in the NTS Tailoring and Dressmaking Program she has learned to expertly use a manual sewing machine, measure and cut fabric, and the many other skills and tricks needed to be a master tailor.  Clare dreams of designing and sewing clothes for herself and her family. After graduation, she hopes to own her own dressmaking and tailoring business in Nyamboyo Village.  As the second of 7 children in her family, Clare is a natural leader, and has encouraged other young girls in the community to enroll at NTS.


"I derive joy from being able to construct and wire a working electrical circuit. When I switch on a light bulb it gives me a sense of achievement."

A 19 year old third-year student in Electrical Wiring at NTS, Achimba was scheduled to take the NITA exams for national certification in December 2020.  But COVID forced Kenya to close schools nationwide and postpone exams.  Today, Achimba is preparing for his exams, and is back in the school computer lab (a second love).  His goal is to work at a large Kenyan electrical installation company as an expert technician.  Achimba dreams of doing the work he loves to support himself and his family.


"I have learnt a lot in this trade since I joined this company. Discovered new tricks and tips for work efficiency.  This is a trade that I can recommend to my fellow youths to join and acquire a skill."

Vincent is one of NTS’s first graduates! He is the first born in a family of five, and grew up in the nearby village of Ichuni.  His parents are day laborers working in unskilled day-laborer jobs such as maize harvesting  and planting, hand tilling land helpers, and seasonal tea pickers.  Now, 21 years old, Vincent graduated from the Carpentry and Masonry Program in 2019. After graduation he secured a job with the China Road Company in the Culvert and Stone Pitching Department.


"As a first born in my family, I feel this is the right trade for me. Since I was growing up, I have been admiring how many ladies do their hair. I feel that this is where my talent is."

Velma, age 17, is a 2nd year student in NTS’s Hairdressing Program.  Since she was a child she has admired women’s hairstyles, so choosing her trade at NTS was obvious.  Velma is a young woman who embraces her talents with joy and gusto.  Over the last 2 years Velma has learned all facets of hair design and care.  A natural leader and entrepreneur, she dreams of opening her own salon where she can employ and mentor other young, motivated women.