Our Teachers are Our Treasures

By Jones Obiria, School Founder

Our mock NITA exams were a success!  We identified where our students knew the material as well as where they need more support and training.  Remember, these are professional skills so everything they learn – no matter how small – is of value.  They will, quite literally, make use of every skill.


It was our teachers who made this exam possible.  They dedicated two weeks before school started to create them. For the written theory exam, they invented varied questions reflecting what our students will find on the real exam.  They refined and balanced the questions, so they would fit in the allotted time.  Then, for the full-day practical exam, they created hands-on projects, again reflective of the real exam. 


But it didn’t end there.  After the exams, they carefully graded them, wrote evaluations, and then met with each student to create a plan for further exam preparation.  Every student went home with a written evaluation providing a supportive and balanced view of their strengths and weaknesses.  For many, it was the first time they have ever received written constructive support and criticism.  It’s a reference tool to guide them in their preparation and to remind them of their talents.

We thank our gifted teachers for their dedication to NTS and to their students.


We also thank our English teacher, Mr. Allan, who worked with all the teachers on their exams.  In Kenya, the NITA exam is in English although vocational skills are generally taught in the language of the region.  He was there to help each teacher find the right words for each question.


From there, he worked with the students on how to approach the test.  He showed them how to identify keywords in a question, words that give clues on how to present an answer.  For instance, when one question asks you to “outline” and another asks you to “describe”, what is the difference?  (The correct answer is the “outline” requires a phrase where “describe” must be full sentences.). These are test-taking skills our students had never been taught before, but are required to succeed on the NITA exam.


So, to our dedicated and heroic teachers, we thank you!  We recognize you and celebrate your contributions.  You should be proud of your hard work, and proud of your student’s performances on the exams!