Female Genital Cutting (FGC) is on the Rise Amidst Coronavirus Pandemic

By Wafa Khan

On January 28, 2021, Vice World published a detailed article on the rise of FGC in Kenya during the COVID pandemic. Below is a recap of key statistical points, followed by a link to the full article.  It features stories of young women who recount their experiences with FGC and older women who have built careers as circumcisers, often following their mothers and grandmothers into the profession. The article highlights the increased importance of NTS’ protection and empowerment of our female students during the pandemic.

Key statistics:

  • FGM was banned in Africa under the Children’s Act in 2001, which led the practice underground, making it harder for the government to halt the practice.
  • Since the first recorded cases of Coronavirus in March 2020, the Kenyan government has registered close to 100,000 FGC cases and more than 1,600 deaths.
  • According to UNICEF, there has been a 121% increase in FGC cases between January and November 2020 from the same period in 2019.
  • The number of girls rescued from FGC, dropped from 1,073 in 2019 to 994 in 2020.
  • The rising number of cases is attributed to girls and young women being home rather than in school.  Traditionally, schools have been the safe haven for girls and cutting happens on longer holidays such as over Christmas and New Years.  These holidays give girls time to heal without teacher scrutiny.
  • During COVID, because young women have been home with nowhere to go, parents have been opting for circumcision as preparation for marriage.
  • There has also been a significant increase in domestic violence, teen pregnancy rates and early child marriages.
  • Child protection programs, particularly those in regions with high FGC rates, have suffered due to pandemic-related restrictions.  Government resources have been redirected to COVID education and protection.
  • The total cost of treating all the medical needs of females undergoing FGC is estimated to be $1.4 billion globally annually.

To read the full article, go to https://www.vice.com/en/article/xgzm83/female-genital-cutting-is-on-the-rise-during-covid-in-kenya  

At NTS, we know from student reporting that our female students have experienced increased trauma during the extended school shutdown.  This trauma includes physical and sexual abuse as well as FGC.  We are committed to providing support to these students as well as moving our community toward a culture in which FGC becomes a relic of the past.