107° in the Shade

So, now that we know how to replenish our electrolytes quickly, how do we keep a daily balance both during this heat wave and in general?  As Courtney Hamilton, NTS nutritionist tells us, the most important electrolytes are:

Sodium: We lose this in the highest concentration when we sweat.  Just adding more salt to our food during the heat will help replenish sodium.

Chloride:  This is also lost in high concentrations when we sweat but is harder to replenish.  The best food sources are tomatoes and lettuce.

Potassium:  This is lost very quickly in the heat and causes weakness, fatigue, and cramping.  The best local food sources are oranges, melons, potatoes, green leafy vegetables, avocado, and beans.  Fortunately, most are readily available at our markets.

Calcium: This seems to be a mineral everyone knows.  The best sources are milk and green leafy vegetables.  Many of us have cows at home so have ready access to milk.

Magnesium:  This helps with fatigue.  The best sources are green leafy vegetables, nuts, peanut butter, beans, and lentils.  Nuts and peanut butter are a favorite student food.

We’re not in citrus season so we’re relying on banana peels in our water.  However, oranges and lemons peels also release electrolytes in water so their peels so in a few months, we’ll welcome citrus water as a new taste treat.

Now you have an idea of what you’ll see on our plates as our brutal summer unfolds.  While we’ve never seen snow, it sounds awfully nice…